
This was a more difficult newsletter to write, because I feel like the last week was total chaos. It really wasn’t, just a bunch of different things that aren’t ordinarily on the calendar. Still plenty to get into - let’s get after it!

From the field:

Another week where I was technically "on site". As I alluded to in the last newsletter, I had a meeting with a seed/chemical distributor that is associated with one of the farmers I've secured acres with. My understanding coming in to the meeting was that we just needed to coordinate on how to get the chemicals to me when it came time to spray, but they actually wanted to talk through sending some acres my way as well! They manage a good number of acres, and think that the drone would be an attractive option for some of the fields they're managing. They’ll do their due diligence, and if there’s enough interest, maybe we partner up at some level. I'd say the meeting went quite well!

A couple other calls made this week, and I should have some more acres secured from those calls. Probably about 50% of the way to having the acres I'd like to commit to.

Funding for this operation is still progressing, albeit slowly. I don't need the funds until roughly March 30th, so there's still time.

From the office:

More of the same. Putting in some significant hours on Upwork. I think one of the biggest adjustments I'm still trying to come to terms with is the daily schedule. For anyone that knows me well, you'll already know that I'm a planner to the max. It's probably come through in my writing in some form. But now I'm in two different businesses where it's rather difficult to plan to the level I'd like to. Here's what yesterday looked like for me:

7:30-8:30 - helped get the kids out the door for their homeschool co-op

8:30-9:30 - Prepped for my 2023 tax meeting

9:30-10:30 - Got myself ready for the day and talked with a farmer about spraying acres.

10:30-12:00 - Consulting work for a client back in my hometown

12:00-2:00 - Skate park with the kids

2:00-3:30 - Consulting work on Upwork

3:30-4:30 - Chatted with Sarah

4:30-5:30 - Consulting work on Upwork

5:30-6:30 - Dinner

6:30-7:30 - Wrestling practice (for my son, not me)

7:30-8:30 - Retrieved my nephew from his wrestling practice.

8:30-11:00 - Consulting work on Upwork

Weird, right? The traditional 8-5 is completely obliterated. At some point I do believe it'll come back to a more "normal" schedule, especially if I were to get a full-time consulting offer like I had the potential of a couple weeks ago. But for the time being, it's the wild wild west.

What I'm reading:

I had to get up to speed on the specs of the drones I'm looking to purchase. If you want to see what these things look like and what they can do, check out the following link. I've been reading the technical information of the drone itself, but if you've got a couple minutes, watch the video of these things in action. Pretty cool!

Thanks for hanging in - until next week!


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